Greek has been spoken in the Balkan Peninsula since the 2nd millennium BC.
Today Greek is spoken primarily in Greece, but Greek remains as an important literary language.
Greek is usually divided into the following periods as per Wikipedia:
- Mycenaean Greek: language of the Mycenaean civilization. It is recorded on tablets dating from the 14th or 15th century BC onwards.
- Classical / Ancient Greek: In its various dialects was the language of the Archaic and Classical periods of Greek civilization.
It was widely known throughout the Roman empire.
Classical Greek fell into disuse in western Europe in the Middle Ages, but remained known in the Byzantine world, and was reintroduced to the rest of Europe with the Fall of Constantinople and Greek migration to Italy.
- Hellenistic Greek: The fusion of various ancient Greek dialects with Attic (the dialect of Athens) resulted in the creation of the first common Greek dialect, which gradually turned into one of the world's first international languages.
Koine Greek can be initially traced within the armies and conquered territories of Alexander the Great, but after the Hellenistic colonisation of the known world, it was spoken from Egypt to the fringes of India.
After the Roman conquest of Greece, an unofficial diglossy of Greek and Latin was established in the city of Rome and Koine Greek became a first or second language in the Roman Empire. Through Koine Greek is also traced the origin of Christianity, as the Apostles used it to preach in Greece and the Greek-speaking world. It is also known as the Alexandrian dialect, Post-Classical Greek or even New Testament Greek (after its most famous work of literature).
- Medieval Greek: The continuation of Hellenistic Greek during medieval Greek history as the official and vernacular (if not the literary nor the ecclesiastic) language of the Byzantine Empire, and continued to be used until, and after the fall of that Empire in the 15th century.
Also known as Byzantine Greek.
- Modern Greek: Stemming independently from Koine Greek, Modern Greek usages can be traced in the late Byzantine period (as early as 11th century).
Greek words have been widely integrated in the European languages.
Modern Greek has highly inflected nouns and verbs, genders, accent marks, and many tenses.